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Our strategies are based on academically proven market effects. A mix of strategies and instruments ensures diversification. Three risk categories are available (defensive, moderate and aggressive). Limited leverage can be used. The maximum leverage in the category moderate risk is about 7 to 1. This is extremely rare, as it requires three strategies to have a position at the same time.
Only liquid instruments are used. Liquidity guarantees minimum slippage and good order execution. The positions are open a few hours up to ten days, depending on the strategy. A fixed time stop covers every position. Results build up gradually. The investment horizon should be at least 18 months.
Each investment strategy, and the market effect on which it is based, is described in detail on this website. When a position is opened, clients know exactly when and why.
The open positions are visible in real-time on the website.
An account statement and a performance chart of your account are mailed to you every day.
The factsheet page contains detailed performance and risk information. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. But the past performance of Investui is impressive.
The cost structure is transparent and fair. Fees that are traditionally charged by funds and portfolio managers do not exist.
There are no fixed costs, which eat into your profit. But there are some fair fees, which you need to take into account.